The only settings that will be effected are your GPS settings .
Please click "Like" just so I can see how many people these settings are working for.
I am not sure what that "Vote" button is for but it wont hurt to click on the "Vote" button too
By the way you will never have to purchase another GPS app again
For some reason for the most part "angy GPS" is not opening up for a lot of people .This app is not a necessity just a tool . you do not need any apps for this configuration to work . By the way people are reporting that this is working for everyone not just CDMA .. Once again make a backup and enjoy your tweaked out GPS settings !
Thanks ,
Here is the flashable zip file ! UPDATED ! AND YES IT WORKS ON JELLY BEAN 4.1 !
Mitch optimal gpsconfig
SOURCE : http://rootzwiki.com/topic/21453-optimal-gps-settings-for-galaxy-nexus/