Thursday, October 11, 2012

What's inside power window switch

For a long time, the power window switch are intermittently working for left front window.
Decided to buy a replacement. When got the replacement switch, the switch are not interchangeable. There are slight different between AE111 and AE110 switch.

So can't change it. Then I've decided to dismantle the power windows switch, if lucky I manage to repair it.

A circlip that hold a pin for the cover of the switch.

After remove cover now can see the switch button

Removing all the upper part will reveal the copper circuit. Noticed that a burned mark when the circuit closed. After using it for more than 10 years, the contact pin are not in proper shape anymore. That's why it got intermittent problem.

What I did it reshape the contact pin to a suitable shape, so when push/pull the switch both contact pin are touching the base.

The whole power window switch

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Cental lock changed in AE111

 Fisrtly remove internal door  cover  which I've not shown here.
Then remove 4 screws at the door as in the picture. 3 screws for door lock assy and a screw for a glass sliding guide.

Here is the picture of the door lock assy with all links labeled.

Unscrew inner lock to release the link to lock assy.

Remove clip that hold link for outer handle and remove the link

Release clip that hold link for inner handle and remove the link.

Release clip that hold outer key lock and release the link.

That's it. now you can remove door lock assy and replace it. Install it in reverse order.