Friday, September 6, 2013

Backup and Restore using Titanium Backup

Hi all to hardcore custom rom users. You must be tired of restoring each apps after flash new rom right?
With Titanium Backup (TB) , you can restore all the apps with one click (paid version only). Here is tutorial how to do it.

First you need TB, you can get from HERE.

To get started, first go to MENU from main screen

Then select Batch Action

To backup apps, click RUN beside Backup all user apps or Backup new user & newer version then tick which app you want to backup.

After flash new rom or you want to restore apps, click on RUN beside Restore missing apps with data or Restore newer version of user apps.

Is this screen below is option to create a flash-able zip contain app+data from backup. Then you can restore app+data from recovery. 

There is a special feature "Create" which will create flash-able zip for TB that can be install from recovery.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

How to Enable 2 finger click to right click function

I got this tutorial from youtube. Credit to the video owner

Saturday, June 22, 2013

How to repair malfunction auto-flip side mirror

Hi all, in this post I will show you what is the culprit when side mirror cannot auto-flip.

First we need to remove the mirror by pry from below. Do it carefully

Then remove 4 screw that hold side mirror cover. 

Here what it will look like after that we removed the cover. 

Remove 3 nuts from the inside, and the screws at the bottom.

Then we can remove another 3 screws that cover up the flip mechanism.

Here is what it look like inside the cover.

This green gear broke and loosen. So I've found the culprit. I use epoxy glue to glue up the gear to the motor shaft. You can see the crack line along the gear. 

 And here is another type of side mirror that have a same problem but different culprit. In this case, the culprit is clip of the cover for the flip mechanism has broke. This picture  and guide are taken from Encik Rosso, that I have known from 4AEOC. He just use a cable tie to fix it. Simple yet effective.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Cold Air Intake (CAI) Temp Recorded

Hi all, before this I've post on how I did a CAI hose to my car (refer to this link).

Then here is a prove that CAI is not just a wasted accessory. I put the thermometer probe at the outlet of the CAI hose and before stock airbox inlet.

I start measure the air temp at 8:00 am along Jalan Gambang-Muadzam Shah. It's quite cold in the morning. The air temp is low as 26.5 degree Celsius. 

At 8:00 am

 At 3:00 pm, the temp recorded at 34.5 degree Celcius. Actually it fluctuate between 34-36 degree Celcius. This temp are recorded at Jalan Muadzam Shah-Bahau. Our body temp is higher than this. Body temp is 37 degree Celcius.

At 3:00 pm

And you must be wondering what is the temp when car not running and at stop condition? Yes, here is the answer.

Car on stop with engine running

So, the conclusion is CAI is really help engine to get fresh and colder air from outside.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Oil cooler with oil filter relocate.

 In this topic I write about oil cooler with oil filter relocate that have been done to my car. Basic oil cooler with remote oil filter is like a diagram below.   

Oil cooler with internal fin has better heat dissipation.

In this picture below is my all the kit that are used in this project. Not all the fitting had been used and hoses not included in the picture.

I have weld a fitting to the oil cooler so that I can attach 45 degree fitting onto it.

I've also cut and welded 2 fittings to became 1 as per below picture. I need the fitting to connect between oil cooler adapter.

Then, I've mount the oil cooler just behind a bumper. The oil cooler bracket are nicely fit with original screw that already had in my car. Just need a little bracket to mount it. Sorry no picture for the oil cooler mount.

After measured and confirmed the fitting angle, I went to hydraulic fitting shop to make this kind of hoses. The shop owner recommend me to use hydraulic hose as it thick and heavy duty. But the is one problem, the problem is this kind of hose are to hard to route.

I used a threadlock to seal and lock the fitting. Threadlocker will prevent the fitting to loosen from vibration and it will seal the fitting thread.

After all things have been installed.

Then I've replaced the oil filter adapter with thicker and stronger bracket.

4AGE O2 sensor comparison between blacktop and silvertop

-SVT 02 sensor have 4 wires,the colors are

Pink black = Heater control - connected to ECU
Black red = +12V supply (IGN)
Black/thick grey = Sensor signal output to ECU
Red black= 1V voltage supply from ECU
Zirconia type

-BT O2 sensor have 4 wires,the colors are

Pink black = Heater control - connected to ECU
Black or Black red = +12V supply (IGN)
White/thick grey = Sensor signal output to ECU
Brown = Sensor ground
Titania type

4AGE 20v Parts Numbers (Black and Silvertop)

Silvertop TPS sensor: 89452-12080 or 89452-22080
same p/n as 2JZGTE, 3RZFE, 2RZFE, 5VZFE
Blacktop TPS sensor: 89452-12090

Silvertop IACV (idle control valve): 22270-16030
Blacktop IACV: 22270-16070

Blacktop Electric Fan Water Temp Sensor (the white one):89428-12160
Silvertop Electric Fan Water Temp Sensor : *unknown*

Blacktop Oil Pressure Sensor: 83520-35030
Silvertop Oil Pressure Sensor: 83520-35030

Blacktop Knock Sensor: 89615-22050
Silvertop Knock Sensor: *unknown*

Blacktop O2 Sensor: 89465-19685
Silvertop O2 Sensor: 89465-19495 or 89465-12290

Blacktop Water Temp Sensor for Gauge Cluster :83420-20040
Silvertop Water Temp Sensor : *unknown*

Blacktop MAP sensor: 89420-12070
Silvertop Air Flow Meter: 22250-16110

Blacktop Igniter: 89621-12050?
Silvertop Igniter: 89621-12050?
same as SW20 MR2?

Blacktop Ignition Coil: 90919-02197
Silvertop Ignition Coil: 90919-02197
same as 3SFE, 2JZGE?

Blacktop VVT Solenoid: 15330-16020
Silvertop VVT Solenoid: 15330-16010 or 15330-16020

Blacktop "Gasket Overhaul kit": 04111-16210
Silvertop "Gasket Overhaul kit:: 04111-16330

Blacktop Timing Belt: 13568-19185
Silvertop Timing Belt: 13568-19035

Blacktop Alternator Belt: 99365-80840
Silvertop Alternator Belt: *unknown*

Blacktop Timing Belt Pulley: 13505-16030
Tensioner for Pulley: 13540-16010
Silvertop Timing Belt Pulley: 13505-16021 or 13505-16030
Tensioner for Pulley: 13540-16010

Blacktop Thermostat: 90916-03075
Silvertop Thermostat: 90916-03060

Blacktop Distributor Cap: 19101-16010
Rotor: 19102-74040
Silvertop Distributor Cap: 19101-16010?

Plugwire Set: 90919-21520

Oil Filler Cap: 12180-46010
same as 2JZ

Valve Clearance Adjusting Shim: 13751-16020

PCV valve: 12204-11050

Spark Plug Hole Gasket: 11193-16010


Blacktop Distributor Assembly: 19100-16270?
Silvertop Distributor Assembly: 19100-16270?

Blacktop Oil Pump: 15100-19045
Silvertop Oil Pump: 15100-19036

Blacktop Water Pump: 16100-19285?
Silvertop Water Pump: 16100-19245?

Blacktop Valve Cover: 11201-16030
Silvertop Valve Cover: 11201-16020 or 11201-16030

Blacktop Oil Pan: 12101-16100
Silvertop Oil Pan: 12101-16100 same as 5AFE and 4AFE?

Blacktop Oil Pump Pickup Tube: 15104-15090 same as 5AFE?
Silvertop Oil Pump Pickup Tube: 15104-15090

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Cold Air Intake CAI for my AE111

Hi all, long time I've not update any progress done to my car. So here is another mod. Cold Air Intake or CAI.

My engine still using normal air filter box, if i can avoid hot air goes into combustion chamber I can gain extra power from it. CAI is not use to eliminate hot air, but is use supply colder air to air filter.
The theory is, colder air contain more oxygen. With more oxygen, engine can get near to perfect combustion thus can produce more power.

I do not show how to remove the bumper in this thread.

First thing is remove the white part. Need to remove 2 screw and loosen 1 screw as per picture below.

Then make a mark as I need to make the hole larger to fit the CAI hose. I use stone bit and grind it until large enough to fit the hose.

I just drill the hole just fit enough the CAI hose. So, to fit the hose in, I turn around the hose like fastening a screw. 

My little assistance doing his job.

How it look like after fit back the bumper

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Reboot Script for Android

Hi all. Have you ever experience your android phone very lag and need to reboot? Then, you can use this script to schedule reboot your android phone. May require root previllage.

What you need is Script Manager app and Reboot Script. In case you can't download the reboot script, you can create one. Copy and paste this below into notepad and save it.

Then go Script Manager - Menu - Advance - Scheduler - Add New Task - Select File - (browse to file that you have save) - set schedule time - Save

#! /system/bin/sh

Tags: Reboot Script for Android #! /system/bin/sh script manager smanager 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Android Mods and Tweaks

My current phone is Galaxy Nexus aka GNex aka i9250. So maybe this thread mainly focus on this model.


Sygic : If one of you have sygic not working properly (like stuck at sygic start), try install sygic ver. 11.2.6

Ever had a problem gps take long time to lock? Then you should try this solution.

1-Install 'GPS status &  toolbox', then go to Menu-Tools-Manage A-GPS state-then click reset and click download. Your GPS app should able lock faster after this step.

iGO PRIMO : Click Here


Wanna file transfer from android to ubuntu?
Then you should try this step. At least it work for me.

Reboot Script For Android

Tags : Android Mods and Tweaks gps mtp ubuntu

iGO Primo GPS for Glaxy Nexus

Hi all, lack of GPS app for Nexus? Here another GPS app insted of sygic. Work like charm on my nexus with full screen.

1-Download this file with Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore maps.
2-Extract his file into root of SD Card
3-Install iGO.apk and try this one first.
4-If not working with Jelly Bean (no sound) then install thin-v1.1+JB.apk. Install it over old app

Tags: galaxy nexus igo primo gps malaysia singapore brunei map maps jelly bean unfortunately has been stopped

Sunday, February 3, 2013

TUTORIAL : Galaxy Nexus Enable MTP File Transfer in Ubuntu Linux

 Many people have struggle to connect android phone to Ubuntu for file transfer. I've found it over the net and it's work like charm. Kudos to Lou from

The packages for MTP in the Ubuntu 11.10 repos are built from outdated source and are the cause of most of the MTP file transfer woes. I've gone ahead and removed the updated packages from the Ubuntu 12.04 repos both 32 & 64 bit versions. These have to be installed in a certain order to avoid issues so install as follows:

sudo dpkg -i libmtp9_1.1.1-1_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i libmtp-common_1.1.1-1_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i libmtp-runtime_1.1.1-1_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i mtp-tools_1.1.1-1_amd64.deb

Final package that needs to be install:

sudo apt-get install -y mtpfs

*After install make sure that the following packages are installed 
mtp-tools libmtp-runtime libmtp9 libmtp-common mtpfs

  • First we must create a mount point for your Galaxy Nexus:
sudo mkdir /media/Nexus
  • Now we must assign the proper read/write privileges to the directory:
sudo chmod 775 /media/Nexus
  • We have to create a file the enables your Linux system to see your Galaxy Nexus:
sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/99-android.rules
  • Copy & Paste the following into the file then save and close:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0502", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="413c", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0489", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="091E", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="18d1", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0bb4", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="12d1", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0482", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="1004", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="22b8", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0955", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="10A9", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="04e8", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="04dd", MODE="0666"
#Sony Ericsson
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0fce", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="19D2", MODE="0666"

  • Now we must make the file executable:
sudo chmod +x /etc/udev/rules.d/99-android.rules
  • Download and unzip the mount/unmount scripts I've written for you in your home directory:
  • Make the scripts executable:
sudo chmod +x
  • Enable MTP transfer on your Galaxy Nexus by entering into Settings-Device-Storage select Menu in the bottom right hand corner then "USB computer connection" make sure "Media device (MTP)" is selected.
  • Connect the Galaxy Nexus to your computer:  *USB Debugging must be disabled*
  • With the mount and unmount scripts in your home directory execute the mount command by typing the following (please wait for a while, it take time to load files from android) :
  • Execute (IS A MUST) the unmount command by typing the following:


Tags : TUTORIAL : Galaxy Nexus Enable MTP File Transfer in Ubuntu Linux mtpfs mtp-tools libmtp-runtime libmtp9 libmtp-common mtpfs ./ ./,