Thursday, May 17, 2012

Car engine wash and engine idling

Hi, in this thread I'll write about relation between car engine wash with engine idling.

As we all know, many 4age suffer from bad idling. That happen to me as well.

After being to wash engine last saturday, the bad idling seems has been ok. I dont know what has happened, but idling is better than before.

Before this, I had to use microcompressor to avoid idling drop and engine stall. Then after wash the engine, idling seem to be very high. 2000 rpm when a/c turn on.

I have to turn off microcompressor valve so lower the idling. I suspect there is vacuum leak after the engine wash, but vacuum gauge seem ok. At 19 mm/hg at idle.

My oil pressure gauge also affected. Before this, the gauge will go to max after turn on engine. Now, it operate normally.

Hope this will be permenant solution.


  1. Engine idling is an important issue when there is engine wash. So proper precautions must be taken before and after. The tips you shown are nice help. Thanks!

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